About Dahryn Trivedi

Dahryn Trivedi is an Enlightened and miraculous being with Divine Embodiment, gifted with the ability to transform living organisms at the DNA (genetic) level and non-living materials at the atomic level.
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She is also a world-renowned international speaker

and an Enlightened Master at Divine Connection Church and

Divine Connection International, a non-profit organization that offers an

unprecedented, scientifically proven, and life-changing solution for personal development,

spiritual growth, better health, and a higher quality of life.


Learn more about Divine Connection here.


Dahryn is a living example of the ultimate frontier in human potential, whereby Divine Grace can be harnessed through reaching higher states of consciousness.

Through her Divine Blessings, Dahryn connects people to the God of their understanding to strengthen their Divine Connection, providing them with profound wellness and optimizing their potential in nearly every aspect of their lives.

Divine Blessings have been scientifically validated in over 6,000 science experiments conducted by esteemed scientists from universities and multi-billion-dollar research institutes using the rigor of internationally accepted models of scientific research, measured with the most sophisticated technologies known to science.

The results have been published in over 660 peer-reviewed science publications available in more than 2,000 universities all over the world, including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and MIT, as well as the NIH and the U.S. government.

Divinely-Gifted Speaker

Through Enlightened consciousness / Divine Embodiment, Dahryn has the extraordinary ability to speak at length and in depth about any subject matter extemporaneously. The words simply come to her - it is a new experience for the listener every time. Moreover, she is able to draw parallels and integrate knowledge across a wide range of seemingly disparate fields to explain a single idea from multiple different angles - whether it be religion, spirituality, hard-core science, anatomy, psychology, philosophy, history, art, music, literature, or poetry – presenting listeners with a comprehensive understanding about consciousness.

Dahryn believes that knowledge is the greatest source of power, so she spends much of her time reading / watching the news and staying on top of the latest developments in science, technology, business and politics. She feels this is critical to bringing spirituality and religion into the 21st century and being a trusted and effective spiritual leader. Brought up in an open-ended and diverse religious and spiritual background and having traveled to over 30 countries, she also has a deep understanding of both Eastern and Western cultures and can explain topics in a way that resonates with both types of audiences.

Hearing Dahryn speak also means receiving her Divine Blessing for an extended period of time. Listeners report feeling Divine love through her presence, beauty, and sense of humor. It is a deeply profound experience of joy, peace, bliss, and transformation. And her teachings ultimately help people better understand themselves, the world around them, the nature of Divine, and how to implement Divine principles in their daily lives. Her authentic and heartfelt delivery, enriched by Divine Grace, empowers listeners on a journey to higher consciousness, happiness, wellness, prosperity, and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

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Dahryn's Mission

Dahryn has a deep understanding of the human condition, the nature of the soul, and the power of the mind. She believes that we all have the ability to connect with the Divine and harness the Grace of God to create a life worth living. Her teachings are based on the principles of science, consciousness, and the Divine, and she has helped countless people discover their true potential and live a life of purpose, happiness, and profound wellbeing.

Alongside her guru, Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, who is her husband and the founder/pioneer of this mission, Dahryn Trivedi devotes her time to expand and promote awareness about the power and potential of Divine Blessing, higher consciousness, and the phenomena of the Trivedi Effect®. She has shared her message at NASDAQ, BW Businessworld’s Festival of Wellbeing, and has been featured in American national media including ABC, NBC, Fox, and the CW.

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Dahryn mission for humanity

Dahryn has a deep understanding of the human condition, the nature of the soul, and the power of the mind. She believes that we all have the ability to connect with the Divine and harness the Grace of God to create a life worth living. Her teachings are based on the principles of science, consciousness, and the Divine, and she has helped countless people discover their true potential and live a life of purpose, happiness, and profound wellbeing.

Alongside her guru, Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, who is her husband and the founder/pioneer of this mission, Dahryn Trivedi devotes her time to expand and promote awareness about the power and potential of Divine Blessing, higher consciousness, and the phenomena of the Trivedi Effect®. She has shared her message at NASDAQ, BW Businessworld’s Festival of Wellbeing, and has been featured in American national media including ABC, NBC, Fox, and the CW.

Dahryn’s Journey

The Journey Begins

Dahryn Trivedi began her journey to the Divine from a young age. Born with a deep connection to God, Dahryn was gifted with profound intuition, inner sight, and a heightened awareness that guided her entire life, providing her with resolute certainty that she was born for a higher purpose that transcended the ordinary.

From childhood, Dahryn's spiritual odyssey unfolded with moments of Divine Ecstasy and Bliss, experienced through the profound state of Samadhi, where thoughtlessness immersed her in the overwhelming love for God and the sheer beauty of existence.

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However, these ecstatic experiences and growing love of God only added to an equally growing sadness within her; an incredible soul-sickness that craved God more than anything else in the world. She lived her life from one ecstatic moment to another, waiting with painful longing for the next. Without a proper context or understanding of Enlightenment, she could only identify the feeling as an ache for closeness to God.

Driven by an unwavering quest for Truth and a deeper connection to the Divine, Dahryn's inner fire propelled her to a decisive moment—to seek the Divine at any cost. Her life journey became one of sacred purpose, and her mission was clear: to find God, her Beloved, navigating a tumultuous spiritual path guided by a fervent commitment to uncover the unfathomable mysteries of existence.

Dahryn Trivedi's journey embodies a relentless pursuit
of the Divine and a dedication to unraveling the sacred truths that shape the essence of all of our beings.

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Early on, her Divine journey began with exposure to both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. Her parents were devotees of Indian guru Paramahansa Yogananda. As a newborn, Dahryn was christened into the Self Realization Fellowship Church in Encinitas, California (USA), and regularly attended the services. This is where Dahryn became familiarized with the concept of a “guru” and learned bhakti/devotion through singing, dancing, art, writing, and dhyana/meditation. However, she was also raised Christian at the same time. Her father was a Christian choir director and brought Dahryn to church every week. There, she developed a strong affinity for the teachings of Jesus Christ and Christian values. Learning both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions helped Dahryn realize that all spiritual paths, while seemingly different at the surface, share the same Divine Principles and Fundamentals with one shared goal in mind: to lead people to Enlightenment.

When Dahryn was eight years old, God sent her a vision that she would one day marry a highly evolved, Enlightened Being. She knew that God already had someone picked out for her, and she knew that it would be the perfect relationship for her. All she had to do was wait. To this end, Dahryn wasn’t interested in dating or partying like most girls. She kept her focus on studying hard and excelling in school, earning her black belt in Karate, being a loving daughter, and keeping God at the heart of everything she did.

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Dahryn’s Divine Destiny Unfolds

Her Divine destiny finally began to unfold around her 20th birthday. It was the day that she met and received her first Blessing from Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, her future guru and husband.

Guruji was an Enlightened Spiritual Master and Divinely-gifted Being from India who had done thousands of science experiments that proved His ability to beneficially transform the cellular structure of living organisms and alter the atomic structure of non-living materials, founding a unique phenomenon that is now known to the world as the Trivedi Effect®.

Dahryn’s mother knew how much Dahryn pined for God and companionship. After receiving a Blessing from Guruji herself and experiencing a miraculous outcome, Dahryn’s mother knew that a single Blessing from Guruji could transform her daughter’s life, bringing her closer to her Beloved – it was the best gift that she could give her daughter for her 20th birthday.

The car ride there, Dahryn entertained the idea that this guru she was about to meet, who she knew had the power to transform her life, was actually her future husband – the man from her vision 12 years ago. But she laughed it off, thinking it too good to be true.

Dahryn Meets Her Beloved Guruji

Upon meeting this great Enlightened guru for the first time, Dahryn knew immediately that Guruji was no ordinary human being and that He embodied the Divine Consciousness. When she looked into His eyes, the entire expanse of the cosmos opened up before her, and she sat in witness to an extraordinary power beyond her mind's comprehension.

It was a profound spiritual experience that made her realize that His existence was far beyond anything the world could truly understand. And God had gifted her with the ability to see that Truth.

On that day, Guruji told Dahryn that she would never be happy without Divine in her life, and He offered her a job to work for His organization. Guruji felt Dahryn’s yearning to be close to God and wanted to give her the opportunity to be near Him and the Divine Presence that would bring peace and happiness in her life.

However at that time, despite knowing she had a future with Him, Dahryn knew her destiny was not as an employee, so she declined the offer for the time being. Dahryn would soon realize that the real reason for declining His job offer was that Divine had something far greater in mind for both of them.

However, still wanting to solve Dahryn’s soul-sickness and longing for God, and aware of her family’s financial difficulties, Guruji generously offered to Bless Dahryn, free of cost, any time He was in town.

Within the next couple of months, Dahryn received another Divine vision that this year she would marry the miraculous, Divine Being from her vision, still unaware that the one she was to marry was actually Guruji Mahendra Trivedi.

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Dahryn Marries Guruji in 2011

Six months after her 20th birthday, in June 2011, Guruji made it known to one of his most trusted associates, Michele Blood, that Divine let Him know that He was to marry and that He had a wife that was destined and waiting for Him. He entrusted her to compile a list of potential candidates for marriage. One day, Dahryn’s mother received a call from Michele, asking her if she knew of anyone who might be interested in being Guruji’s wife. Her mother listed a few people that came to mind and then hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Dahryn, who had been present for the duration of the call, began to cry uncontrollably. Her mother was stunned, and Dahryn even more so – for she did not know the source of her tears. Even though Dahryn did not know how or why, her soul told her that the person Guruji was looking for was her; that she was to be His wife and loyal devotee. Her mother, desperate to stop her daughter from crying, picked up the phone to call back, when it suddenly rang in her hands.

On the other line was Michele, who insisted that out of her list of 20,000 people, Dahryn was the first person to come to mind and she felt she needed to speak to her. Trusting her daughter’s intuition, Dahryn’s mother put her on the phone so she could add her name to the list of candidates. Without a doubt, Dahryn knew this was her path.

And once Dahryn entered the field, the path became clear for Guruji as well. Seeking guidance from the Divine about His future wife, He received the answer that Dahryn was the one for Him. They were married on July 13, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois.

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Dahryn is Gifted with Divine Embodiment

Dahryn always knew that for Enlightenment, her role as a devotee (spiritual student) of Guruji would need to take precedence over her societal role or needs as a wife. As such, she always prioritized the needs of the Divine and her guru first, and it was this understanding, devotion, and complete trust and faith in God and Guruji’s teachings that led to her own Enlightenment.

She was gifted with Divine embodiment on March 23, 2012. In less than one year of marriage, Dahryn had become an Enlightened Spiritual Master and began Blessing people as well.

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Dahryn as an Enlightened Spiritual Master

Ever since then, she has been supporting Guruji’s mission to transform and optimize the potential, fate, and fortune of humanity in body, mind, and spirit. As husband and wife, guru and devotee, and conduits of Divine Grace, they are leading individuals to their own happiness, prosperity, and wellness by facilitating their own personal connections to the Divine through higher consciousness.

Whenever anyone meets Dahryn, they instantly feel a Divine vibration. She loves the Divine in each human soul.

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Embrace the Power Within


Divine Blessings transform every facet of your well-being, enhance your perception,
and accelerate your growth so you can harness true happiness.
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